Black Watch Braveheart ( Willi )

At first, Willi (Braveheart = Sir William Wallace) was assigned for a show- career. He showed very promising talents, even as a puppy. After teething, however, 5 premolars were missing what brought his career to an end before it started. At that time, Willi had already conquered his masters heart with his lovable character, gaining a lifetime employment with our pack. Later, when we found a hereditary eye disease with his mother’s line we were happy that he had not become a stud dog. Up to the age of 2, Willi was a real hooligan who became a responsible leader of the pack not before the moment when Tammy put him to the throne when she arrived from England.

Today he is the chief of all dogs that live with us and a valuable support for the imprinting of all our puppies. For people who visit us for advisory service on the breed, Willi is the prototype of a West Highland White Terrier that they also wish to get.

 e therefore is an important ambassador of his breed in a very different way. Living together with Willi teached us to get a feeling for dog behaviour and he is the one who led us the way to understand the rules of a pack and to keep our dogs appropriate to the species . He even let his hair grew long to allow our friends from Thailand to train for grooming. Then, at the age of nearly 6, Willi started a late career as a show dog, when we were sure that we are able to reject inquiries to use him for mating. Willi also is a very good dog for junior handling and he already claimed for several victories with children of a familiy who ownes one of our puppies.


When we decided to keep Poppy, Willi got another important job. Now he teaches the young pretender, bonnie Prince Poppy, how to lead a pack. “King” Willi also loves to lie in the puppy box for hours, watching “his” after-growth, with Tammy sleeping next to him.